Franz Kafka Eats an Apple
Eric Andrew Newman

Franz Kafka eats three apples a day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. He lines up the apples in a row on his dressing table the night before. Franz Kafka thinks it takes three apples a day to keep the doctor away. When Franz Kafka eats an apple, he likes to sit by an open window and feel the breeze on his face. He likes to watch the gauzy white curtains billow in the breeze. Franz Kafka likes to look out the window at the pedestrians on the sidewalk, as he bites into the juicy pulp. Sometimes, he even likes to spit the seeds on the passersby. As a follower of J.P. Mueller, Franz Kafka chews each bite exactly 100 times until the white flesh dissolves in his mouth. When Franz Kafka eats an apple, he eats the stem and core like an Indian eats a buffalo, leaving no part unused.


Eric Andrew Newman lives in Los Angeles. He's had stories in Gargoyle, Quarter After Eight, Pithead Chapel and others.

Read his postcard.

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